Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy
Forest Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture provides massage therapy and relief for backpain and neck pain to clients throughout Cincinnati, OH. The wellnesschiropractic facility is run by Dr. Reed Moeller, who has been ensuring thehealth and well-being of patients since 1989. Both chiropractic treatment andacupuncture improve the functions of your body while also allowing it tonaturally heal itself.Dr. Moeller and his dedicated staff have studied techniquesto provide optimal care to every patient. If you're experiencing pain ordiscomfort, treating the root cause of the problem is a much more effectivemethod than relying on symptom care through chemicals. The experts at ForestPark are dedicated to helping you live a longer, healthier life, free of anypain.When you enter the facility, you'll notice a uniqueenvironment that will make you feel welcome and comfortable. Dr. Moeller cares forhis patients like family and takes a comprehensive approach to your treatmentthat will assist with all of your wellness needs. Focus will be given to theissue at hand, as well as you and your lifestyle as a whole.Whether you're a healthy individual who wants to take your qualityof life to the next level, or you need a way to relieve pain, the professionalsat Forest Park Chiropractic &Acupuncture are here to help. Visit Dr. Moeller and his team online or call(513) 742-0880.Hours: Mon - Thurs 9AM - 12PM and 3PM - 6PM; Fri 9AM - 1PM; Sa 9AM - 11AM; Closed Sunday.
Keywords: Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy